***You must download the "Christian Library" App to read this book***nThis book answers 118 questions about faith and life.
***须先下载 “基督教书库” 才可阅读。。(请进入” 基督教书库” 里阅读此书)***程蒙恩著有人因对基督教信仰感到疑惑而不信耶稣;亦有人已经是基督徒,却仍有不少问题想不通。本书为你解答118条有关信仰和人生的问题,诸如:为何神不消灭魔鬼,任他败坏人?怎能证明真有天堂和地狱的存在?有钱不是比信耶稣更实际吗?十字架可以治邪驱魔吗?我已信了耶稣,但我的行为还没有完全改变,我可以得救吗?作者答题言简意赅、直截了当,绝不拐弯抹角或硬销理论。*** You must download the “Christian Library” before you can read it. . (Please read this book in the Christian Library) *** Cheng MengenSome people do not believe in Jesus because of doubts about the Christian faith; others are already Christians, but there are still many problems that cannot be solved. This book answers 118 questions about faith and life, such as: Why does God not destroy the devil and let him be corrupt? How can you prove that there is a paradise and the existence of hell? Is money more practical than faith in Jesus? Can the cross cure evil exorcism? I have believed in Jesus, but my behavior has not changed completely. Can I be saved? The authors answer to the inscription is concise, straightforward, and never bends the corner or sells the theory.